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Imported from the North of England and saved from a life spent underground coal mining and whippet racing – Tony has been serving loyally at CFX since April 2000.

He is fully qualified in designing and installing all that you see we do and suffers the task of being right hand man to Sean Davis. “Tony do this… Tony do that… Tony where are you?… Why is’nt this done my way? Oh, your way is better? No, it’s not oh yes it is, Ok then”.

A keen ‘mountain bicyclist’ and player of strange internet Dungeon and Dragon games – he has successfully kicked the habit of smerking tabs (Southern for smoking cigarettes) and thinks that ‘overtime’ is the stupidest word that exists!!

From The Audi R8V10 at the top of the Goodwood sculpture to “touching up” a Damien Hirst. He’s done it all !